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Anchor 1

The Campaign


The campaign is here to inform all young adults that no matter what life throws you, don't give up, while raising awareness for Leukaemia within the younger generation. 






Media Products

2 x Television Adverts


2 x Radio Adverts


1 x Short Radio Documentary


You can watch and listen to the products below






Raising Awareness


So please join me in raising awareness for Leukaemia within young adults, but also encouraging young adults, with any form of cancer, to not give up and keep fighting. 






The Campaign Elements


Below are all the media products created for this campaign. Please enjoy and share, raising awareness for Leukaemia. 




Anchor 2
Animated Logo


This is an animated logo for the campaign. 


Created and Animated by Jessica Sibthorpe

Don't Ignore, Start Fighting


A 30-second television advert for the campaign. 


The idea behind this advert was to show the main symptoms of Leukaemia, as well as showing how you can emotionally feel when faced with the situation.


Featuring (in order of appearance): Ellie Cook, Jessica Eade, Sean Nelson and Andrea Caruso.


Produced and Directed by Jessica Sibthorpe

Cinematography by Matthew Hill

Music Composed by Sean Nelson



A 30-second television advert for the campaign. 


The idea behind this advert was to represent the end of treatment. Being treated for Leukaemia can make you feel isolated, due to having no immune system. I also wanted to focus on the aspects of surviving, rather than just the diagnoses. 


Features Ellie Cook


Produced and Directed by Jessica Sibthorpe

Cinematography by Matthew Hill

Music Composed by Sean Nelson


It Will Never Be Me


A 30-second radio advert for the campaign. 


The idea behind this advert was to acknowledge that Leukaemia is most common in older people, but can also happen to anyone from the younger generation. 


Featuring (in order of appearance): Joshua Williams, Jessica Eade, Sean Nelson, Lauren Forster and Jessica Sibthorpe.


Written and Produced by Jessica Sibthorpe

Music Composed by Sean Nelson



The Reality


A 30-second radio advert for the campaign. 


The idea behind this advert was to tell my own story and show how quickly you can deteriorate with Leukaemia. As the campaign is very close to me, I wanted to share my experiences with others. 


Features Jessica Sibthorpe 


Written and Produced by Jessica Sibthorpe

Music Composed by Sean Nelson

Leukaemia Awareness


The radio documentary gives a more factual outlook on Leukaemia, detailing common symptoms, treatment and other aspects when dealing with cancer as a young adult.


Featuring (in order of appearance):

Lisa McMonagle - Advanced Nurse Practitioner

Tatiana Graham - Physiotherapist 

Sarah Smith - Youth Support Coordinator for Teenage Cancer Trust


Produced and Narrated by Jessica Sibthorpe

Sound Recordist - Matthew Hill

Music Composed by Sean Nelson

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